What We Do
At its core, the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority has two primary areas of focus: parking and constructing and maintaining downtown infrastructure. The parking system supports itself through parking revenue, while infrastructure work is funded through Tax Increment Financing (TIF).
Downtown Ann Arbor has over 8,000 parking spaces located in parking structures, surface parking lots, and on-the-street metered parking. The parking system is a City of Ann Arbor asset managed by the DDA. Twenty percent of parking revenue goes back to the City to support other City services. The parking system funds other transportation initiatives such as the goPass!, the getDowntown program, and supplemental service on public transit routes.
The DDA undertakes major capital projects as well as maintaining those elements of downtown beyond the scope of basic City services. The following graphics illustrate the DDA’s role in installing and maintaining infrastructure:
Programs & Initiatives
The DDA is committed to making downtown Ann Arbor safe, comfortable, and welcoming through the People-Friendly Streets Program and Elevate Public Art and Placemaking Program.
Elevate – Public Art & Placemaking Program
The Elevate Program aims to enhance the downtown experience for all people through temporary and permanent public art and placemaking installations.
People Friendly Streets Program
People Friendly Streets projects are focused on making the streets in downtown Ann Arbor safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities using all modes of transportation.
Board Meetings
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 12 Noon
Ann Arbor DDA Offices
150 South Fifth Avenue
Suite 301
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Special Meetings
DDA Informational Meetings 2025
Wednesday, June 4, 2025 at 12 Noon
Wednesday, December 3, 2025 at 12 Noon
Non-Regularly Scheduled Meetings