
Operational Change Effective June 2

Beginning June 2, 2024 City public parking facilities will make an operational change to lower structure and lot gate arms on Sundays.  Parking will still be free on Sundays, but the gates will be down, and parking patrons will need to pull a ticket to enter the facility.  When exiting parking patrons will simply insert their parking ticket into the in-lane exit equipment and the gate will go up.

Parkers who lose their ticket can use the same procedure as during the week, push the call button on the in-lane equipment and speak with PCI staff for assistance.  Lost ticket charges will be waived for the first 4 months.  However, beginning in October 2024 lost tickets will be charged for 24 hours of parking, as is standard during the week.

This change is being made to align the system with best practices in parking.  An operation where gates stay down provides internal and revenue controls, as well as operational efficiencies related to space counts and permit parkers.

Parking in Downtown Ann Arbor

Driving in Ann ArborDowntown Ann Arbor has over 8,000 parking spaces located in parking structures, surface parking lots, and on the street metered parking. The parking system is a City of Ann Arbor asset managed by the DDA. Twenty percent of parking revenue goes back to the City to support other City services. The parking system supports itself through parking revenue and also funds other transportation initiatives such as the goPass!, the getDowntown program, and supplemental service on public transit routes.

PCI Municipal Services operates the parking system for the DDA. The main business office is located at 324 Maynard Street, on the ground floor of the Maynard Parking Structure. This office issues and processes:

  • Payment cards
  • Monthly parking and payment
  • Validations
  • Meter bags

The office may be reached at (734)761-7235 or

Hourly Parking

Downtown Ann Arbor has eight public parking structures, three surface parking lots, and over 2000 metered spaces on-street and in lots.

Parking structures and gated lots are operational 24/7.  Parking rates apply Monday-Saturday, while parking is free on Sunday (Sunday 4am- Monday 4am). Additionally, parking is free on holidays observed by PCI Municipal Services.

Metered parking on-street and in lots is enforced Monday-Saturday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.  Metered parking is free on evenings, Sundays, and on holidays observed by City of Ann Arbor employees.  Parking time limits are posted on parking space markers.  Always check signs carefully before parking, and park only up to the maximum time posted for that meter.

Parking Rates – Effective June 1, 2024

Location Hourly Rate
Parking Structures $1.50
Parking Lots $2.40
Locations with Daily Rates  
415 W. Washington $5
Library Lane $5 after 3pm
(out by 6am)
Meters (on-street) $2.40
1/2 price meters $1.20

* Different parking rates may apply for special events.
** Half price meters have a 10-hour limit. These meters can be found on the 300 block of S. First, the 300 and 400 blocks of N. Ashley, the 300 block of W. William, the 400 block of S. Ashley, and the 700 block of Packard.
3-Year Rate Change Schedule (as of June 1, 2024) (PDF)

Parking Questions

Where can I find accessible parking?

All parking facilities provide accessible parking spaces. There are also accessible spaces designated throughout the on-street parking system. Download Accessible Parking Details.

Where can I park my electric vehicle?

In partnership with the City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovation 40, ChargePoint electric vehicle charging stations have been installed throughout the downtown parking structures.  Locations, availability, and rates can be found at the ChargePoint website-  Parkers may use the ChargePoint app to access the charging stations.  A 25 cent per kWh fee and standard parking fees apply.

Locations include-

4th & Washington structure- 4 ports
Maynard structure- 12 ports
Forest structure- 14 ports
4th & William structure- 10 ports
Liberty Square structure- 4 ports
Ann Ashley structure- 16 ports
Library Lane structure- 20 ports

Additionally, there is a Clipper Creek charging station in place at the 1st & Washington structure.  Information and availability on these units can be found here-

Where is motorcycle & moped parking located?

There are limited free motorcycle & moped parking spaces available in a number of parking facilities, please see map for specific locations.

How do I pay for hourly parking??

Off-street payment options (parking structures and surface lots)

At a cashier booth
At a kiosk
With a credit card at entrance and exit
With a prepaid Easy Pay card. Easy Pay cards may be purchased at the PCI Municipal Services office at 324 Maynard Street.  The cards make for a speedy exit and fewer credit card transactions.

On-street payment options (metered parking spots on the street)

Coin or Credit Card
Pay by coin (bills are not accepted) or credit card at epark pay station kiosks located on every block.

After parking, note the space number on your space marker. Locate a conveniently placed epark station. You may use any pay station on the way to your destination. Press “OK” to start. Follow the screen prompts.

Use the epark App
To conveniently pay from your phone, download the epark Ann Arbor app from the app store. Simply set up an account to pay, then enter your epark space number, monitor your expiration time, and top off your meter from anywhere. Remember parking duration limits apply, please be sure to check the parking space marker to verify how long you can legally stay in the spot.

Which downtown businesses validate parking?

You may click here to view a current list of downtown businesses that validate parking.

What if I get a parking ticket?

Parking tickets are issued through the Ann Arbor Police Department’s Community Standards division. Issues related to parking enforcement, violations, and ticket payment are addressed by the City of Ann Arbor Department of Treasury. For information on how to appeal a citation, towed vehicles, and more, please visit the Ann Arbor City Appeal a Parking Ticket page.

How do I rent a parking space for construction or when closing the street for a special event?

Meter bags are available for rent to reserve spaces for construction or special events. Meters bags cost $30 a day per space (other fees and rules may apply).

To request a Meter Bag Contract, please contact PCI Municipal Services at

Monthly Permits

There are three types of monthly parking permits available for purchase through the Ann Arbor DDA: Standard, Reserved, and Limited/Overnight.

*Please note: There are currently standard monthly parking permits available at some locations. Please send an email ( or call (734-997-1310) for more information. There are currently wait lists for reserved (assigned space) permits at all locations, except Liberty Square. Please send an email to be added to the reserved permit wait list for a location. You may view the wait lists here: Standard Permit Wait List and Reserved Permit Wait List.

Limited/overnight permits are available. These permits are $35/month and provide parking 3:30 pm – 9:00 am Monday-Friday, and all day on the weekends and certain holidays. They are available at the following locations:

  • 1st & Washington
  • Forest
  • 4th & William
  • Liberty Square
  • Ann Ashley
  • Library Lane

Parking Permit Pricing – Effective June 1, 2024

Parking Structures Standard Monthly Rate* Reserved Monthly Rate* Limited/Overnight Monthly Rate
Fourth & Washington $225.00 N/A N/A
First & Washington $225.00 N/A $35.00
Maynard $225.00 310.00 N/A
Forest $225.00 N/A $35.00
Fourth & William $225.00 $310.00 $35.00
Liberty Square $225.00 $310.00 $35.00
Ann Ashley $225.00 $310.00 $35.00
Library Lane $225.00 N/A $35.00


Parking Lots Standard Monthly Rate* Reserved Monthly Rate*
First & William reserved parking only.
No hourly parking available.
$180.00         N/A
415 W. Washington $150.00         N/A

Car Share

The DDA supports transportation initiatives that make it possible to work or live downtown without a car. We partner with Zipcar to bring you access to a vehicle when you need it.

Looking for More Commuting Options?

Contact the getDowntown program to learn more, (



Board Meetings

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 12 Noon

Ann Arbor DDA Offices
150 South Fifth Avenue
Suite 301
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Special Meetings

DDA Informational Meetings 2025
Wednesday, June 4, 2025 at 12 Noon
Wednesday, December 3, 2025 at 12 Noon

Non-Regularly Scheduled Meetings





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